From the reporting, it appears Mr. Czajka is using a Rensselaer County Grand Jury to pursue two potential criminal matters after being appointed Special Prosecutor in both matters.
The first matter involves essentially the alleged misuse of 911 tapes to influence a potential election in the City of Troy. The second matter involves allegations of several Troy detectives entering a residence without a warrant and a resulting alleged cover-up.
First: Columbia County has its own problems that need to be addressed by a fulltime DA and his staff. Mr. Czajka was elected to serve and protect Columbia County citizens not Rensselaer County citizens. Unfortunately, Columbia County has its own severe opioid problem, shootings in Hudson, environmental issues and white-collar criminals. Why is Mr. Czajka spending his time in Rensselaer County when he is needed here? Mr.Czajka is neglecting his official duties to protect and serve Columbia County citizens. His office’s recent record cannot justify his significant absence from local duties. A number of high profile local cases were not successfully prosecuted i.e. arson, sex, larceny.
Second: Who is paying for these investigations? As can be seen from prior special prosecutor cases in the Albany area tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on these matters. The Columbia District Attorney’s Office is primarily funded by local taxpayers. Is Rensselaer County going to reimburse Columbia County for the investigations costs and expenses as well as Mr. Czajka and his staff’s professional time? How are the costs going to be determined?
These questions should be of great concern to Columbia County taxpayers considering our own problems.
Why is Mr. Czajka engaging in this behavior that is in direct conflict with the interests of Columbia County citizens? Who is minding the store?
Eugene Keeler 518-965-3563
75 Spook Rock Rd
Hudson, New York 12534